Thursday, April 19, 2012

Why I Went to Bass Pro Shop...and Ended Up Loving It

I am NOT the outdoorsy kind of girl AT ALL. Anyone who knows me can vouch for that. Sleeping in a tent and hunting and fishing just seem barbaric to me. Although, I'm sure other people enjoy it...I am not one of those people. So up til yesterday, I had never felt the need to go to Bass Pro Shop. But...someone told me they had alligators at the one at the Louisiana Boardwalk and curiosity got the better of me.

The Louisiana Boardwalk is the biggest shopping area in Louisiana. And when I say biggest, please is TINY compared to what I'm used to in So Cal. It is an outdoor mall kind of like Victoria Gardens or Irvine Spectrum but on a much smaller scale. They have stores, restaurants, a movie theater. It is right on the Red River with a view of the large casinos and hotels. It boasts on the web site that there are 70 stores, restaurants, and outlet stores. They have a trolly that rolls through so the lazier visitors have transportation (and typically the people who use it, could really use a good walk instead). The trolly is totally unnecessary, it is not that expansive of an area. There is a large fountain area as well. I like to take Olivea there because she can run and play and I have stuff I can look at too.

But the crown jewel of the Boardwalk is the ginormous Bass Pro Shop. I took Olivea and along the way she ran, picked up leaves, went in and out of stores that interested her, looked at her reflection in every window, and stopped to look at each display sign. I walked around what I now know is the back of Bass Pro Shop looking for the gators. But did not see I went inside to ask. A friendly woman greeted me and I asked about the gators. She told me where I could find them (out front) and asked if Olivea had seen the fish yet. Fish? No. Turns out just past the fudge shop there is an aquarium. Wait...fudge shop? So I pass the fudge shop and head to the aquarium. It was a very good size one with large fish. Olivea loves fish. We watched the fish for a few minutes then ventured outside to see the gators. And yep...there they were, two medium size gators floating in the water among large turtles, relaxing and catching some sun.

And the back of my mind I kept hearing "fudge shop." So I went back inside and holy-fudge-heaven!! Buy 4 get 2 free...ummm yeah sounds good to me. I have already devoured 2.5 pieces and yummy.

So yes...go to Bass Pro Shop and see the amazing sights, but the most amazing will be the fudge. :) Nom nom nom!

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